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Purple Coneflower Guerrilla Droppings (Echinacea purpurea)

  • $19.64

Guerrilla Droppings to help you garden this classic perennial! Beautiful long lasting purple flower petals with golden centers come back year after year with this favorite perennial. Young flowers are purple and green, where more mature flowers become purple with orange awns. It is native to the Central US prairies and draws bees and butterflies throughout the summer. This tall-stemmed Echinacea has striking flowers adding a charismatic color to your garden.


    • Zone 3-9
    • Midwest and Southeast
    • Plant Fall or Spring
    • Dry-moist soils
    • Full Sun
    • Upland
    • Threatened
    • Duration: Perennial

     The Purple Coneflower was one of the most beneficial medicinal wildflower species for Native Americans. Many tribes used the Purple Coneflower for pain relief, as an anti-inflammatory, to dress wounds, treat toothaches, colds, and sore throats. They also discovered the plant could be used as an antidote for snakes bites.

    A note about seed balls: 
    Seed balls, also known as seed bombs, protect the seeds from erosion, foraging, and many other factors. This protective property often results in a slower germination cycle. Wildflowers are also highly variable in their germination rates. Please be patient with your seed balls. If you placed them in a suitable location, soil, and climate, when the seeds are ready, they will grow! 

    OUR PROMISE We guarantee your satisfaction and will provide a full refund or replace your seed balls if your are not satisfied. Just contact us with your questions and we will work out a solution! We want your seed balls to grow!

     Pollinators and birds love this US native wildflower!


    • 0.5 kg  covers 200+ square feet and is equivalent in coverage to 200 seed balls
    • 1kg  covers 400+ square feet and is equivalent in coverage to 400 seed balls
    • 5kg covers 2000+ square feet and is equivalent in coverage to 2000 seed balls

    A note about Guerrilla Droppings:
    Guerrilla Droppings, protect the seeds from erosion, foraging, and many other factors. This protective property often results in a slower germination cycle. Wildflowers are also highly variable in their germination rates. Please be patient with your droppings. If you placed them in a suitable location, soil, and climate, when the seeds are ready, they will grow!

    We guarantee your satisfaction and will provide a full refund or replace your Guerrilla Droppings if your are not satisfied. Just contact us with your questions and we will work out a solution! We want your Guerrilla Droppings to grow!

    Alabama,  Arkansas,  Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma,  Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina,  Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin

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