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Online Native Garden Consultation

  • $25.00

We have a great knowledge base at, and we want to help plan your native pollinator garden or reclaim that eroded hillside! We answer a lot of questions, and decided to offer a range of native gardening consultation services. 

On staff, we have a conservation geographer, a biologist, a forester and a soil scientist. We put our heads together for each consultation, providing you with a detailed report that will be both informative and useful. 

How it works

  1. You'll be sent an email survey with numerous questions about your site and what you have in mind for your garden, and with Advanced Packages, a kit for collecting samples of soil and sending them to the laboratory. 
  2. Once we receive your response we will get to work. Depending on the nature of your requirements and the package that you enroll in, we'll gather and analyze data from US Forest Service, USDA NRCS Plants Database, National Soil Survey, US Geological Survey, Biota of North America Database, current sustainability research, and any laboratory results from the samples that you collect. 
  3. You will receive compiled, printable PDF containing your results, our planting suggestions, and observations that will be useful in recognizing the potential of your landscape. You will also receive an email with active links to additional online resources.

Allow one week from interview completion for Basic Packages. Allow three weeks from receipt of soil samples and completion of interview for Advanced Packages.


Quick Recommendations


  • An email list of species that we carry native to your area, their colors, and when they can be planted. Include your email address in your order notes.

Native Species Package (Basic Package)


  • A PDF that details plants native to your area. 
  • Their favored habitat and growing requirements.
  • Planting guidelines. 
  • An email containing active links to pertinent online resources.
  • Soil Survey analysis and interpretation of soils in your area.

The Native Species Package is based on an email interview about site location and characteristics, and site photographs that you provide.


Pollinator Package (Basic Package)


  • A PDF that details plants native to your area. 
  • Their favored habitat and growing requirements.
  • Indications of which of these favor pollinators in your region.
  • Planting guidelines. 
  • An email containing active links to pertinent online resources.
  • Soil survey analysis and interpretation of soils in your area.

The Pollinator Package is based on an email interview about site characteristics, and site photographs that you provide.


Native Landscape Package (Advanced Package)

Are you considering an overhaul of a respectable piece of land? Are you interested in providing habitat for more than insects? This is the package for you. 


  • A PDF that details plants native to your area. 
  • Their favored habitat and growing requirements.
  • Indications of which of these plants favor pollinator, birds, and other wildlife.
  • Planting guidelines. 
  • An email containing active links to pertinent online resources.
  • Soil Survey analysis and interpretation of soils in your area.
  • Laboratory analysis of the physical and chemical properties of your soil sample.
  • In depth discussion of your specific soil structure and chemistry.
  • A statement addressing challenges you may face with your specific project. 

The Native Landscape Package is based on an email interview about site characteristics, and site photographs that you provide, and actual soil samples that you will collect.


Soil Reclamation Package (Advanced Package)

The Soil Reclamation package is perfect if you are trying to heal disturbed landscapes such as depleted or disrupted soil systems, new construction, eroded slopes, mining overburden, fire and landslide damage.


  • A PDF that details plants native to your area. 
  • Their favored habitat and growing requirements.
  • Indications of which of these plants help prevent erosion, deepen, and enrich soil.
  • Planting guidelines. 
  • An email with active links to pertinent online resources.
  • Soil Survey analysis and interpretation of soils in your area.
  • Laboratory analysis of the physical and chemical properties of your soil sample.
  • In depth discussion of your specific soil structure and chemistry. 
  • A statement addressing challenges that you may face with your specific project. 

The Soil Reclamation package is based on an email interview about site characteristics, and site photographs that you provide, and actual soil samples that you will collect.




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