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Authentic Flying Reindeer Droppings (Sunflower Guerrilla Droppings)

  • $10.00

  • DELIGHT THE YOUNG AND OLD this Yuletide Season with our Authentic Flying Reindeer Droppings.
  • COLLECTED BY ELVES in the tundra of the North, these poops sprout sunflower seeds when planted south of the Arctic Circle. All elves were paid living wages while harvesting the magical reindeer poops.
  • ALL NATURAL, non-GMO, pesticide free sunflower seeds bundled in compost and clay. Does not contain fecal matter.
  • EASY AND EFFORTLESS gardening in the Springtime.

After the risk of frost, crumble and place seed pellets on bare soil and water regularly until plants are established. 20-30 cheerful golden sunflowers will reach 4-6 feet tall in optimal conditions. 

An all natural product expertly made in Pennsylvania, USA. Non-GMO and pesticide free. Grow with confidence. 

We've also got Authentic Vegetable Elf Droppings for those who just need lots of turds in their stockings. 

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